Friday, February 16, 2007

American Idull

Carrie Underwood, originally uploaded by PhotojProf.

Never a fan of this girl. Sure she can sing. Sure she's cute. Sure she's robotic. And yes, for pete's sake we know she loves country music.

I have to give to her for praising Idol to the stars and bringing creator Simon Fuller to the Grammys as her date but...

and there's a big one.

Ms. Underwood - show us something!
You want us to believe you are grateful but the minute you open your mouth, you just front this attitude of entitlement (which some could say you've earned) but...

when you win Best New Artist, an award by your peers and NOT AMERICA - you should show some emotion.

Everyone cried along with Kelly Clarkson all over again when she won her first Grammy just last year. She was shocked and she looked and addressed everyone with sincerity.

Carrie, you came up like you expected to win and there was no "real" moment. It all seemed rehearsed.

That's sad because I know had James Blunt, Imogean Heap, Corrine Bailey Rae or Chris Brown won, they would have been appreciative of being there with the other nominees and thanked their peers for their support and truly been touched.

Shame on you Ms. Underwood!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

lol! What do you want her to say? "Thank you James Blunt!" haha. She thanked the people she worked with, normal no?